All are welcome and we can’t wait to meet you. Our prayer is that you find a place to belong with us at West Shore Free Church.
Worship together in community as we celebrate Jesus’ power to overcome death!
Fri, April 18 @ 6:30 p.m.
Sat, April 19 @ 9 – 11 a.m.
Sun, April 20 @ 8, 9:30* & 11 a.m.
For more information on all of our Easter opportunities, click the link below!
The Book of Romans is centered around the Gospel or “good news” of God through Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul teaches us that salvation through Jesus Christ is available for all people, and only through the power of God’s grace. Join us as we unpack this rich text together.
What does it look like to Follow Jesus and Make Him Known? In this short, two-weeks series, Pastor Trent unpacks the words of Jesus to His disciples, the Great Commision found in Matthew 28:18-20, and helps us better understand the importance of applying these words to our lives.
We are a community that wants to support parents in raising their children in the faith. Whether you’re interested in learning more about child dedication, or you want to join us in praying for those being dedicated next, click the link below!
Classes: Sundays, Mar 2 & 16 @ 9 – 10:15 a.m. (Room 200)
Service: Sun, Mar 23 @ 4 p.m. (Worship Center)
Discover what it means to become an active and committed member of our church family, united in our mission to follow Jesus and make Him known.
Sat, April 5 @ 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Take the next step of faith and express your faith in Jesus Christ through baptism! At the class, learn about baptism and share your testimony with one of our elders or ministerial staff members.
Class: Sun, April 13 @ 9 or 10:45 a.m. | Service: Sun, Apr. 27
We follow Jesus and Make Him Known by welcoming some of our newest neighbors through the Refugee Response Ministry. Many refugee families are in need of support as they rebuild their lives and establish self-sufficiency. As their new neighbors, we can offer friendship, resources, advocacy, and life-skills mentoring. We are calling our congregation to a collective response.
Fill out our Connect Card and stay informed about upcoming events, activities and serving opportunities through our weekly email “What’s Happening.” You can also sign up for ministry-specific emails as well.