West Shore Free Church welcomes people from all walks of life and in all circumstances who desire to flourish in the life that God has designed for them. We desire for you to discover a safe place to explore your questions about faith and grow in a deep understanding of what it means to embrace a life-changing relationship with God through Christ.
Our strategies to pursue our mission together includes these four practices.
We live out our mission together through faith-filled worship, encouraging each other to belong, pursuing life-long training and multiplying relationships that help others encounter Jesus. We believe that these practices help people grow in deeper relationships with Christ.
Our greatest joy is God Himself. We want to know Him, not as we hope or imagine Him to be, but as He truly is.
We commit to be a safe place for people to wrestle with doubt, fear, sin and brokenness so that we all might become like Jesus in reality, not just in appearance.
We are a people sent in the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim and live the Gospel both near and far, expecting that this Truth will renew lives and cultures.
We believe that the church is a people in covenant relationship with God and therefore one another. We are committed to sacrificing our time, skills, money and preferences so that all might find Jesus more beautiful and believable.
We display the beauty and power of the Gospel through the intentional investment of the old in the young and the young in the old.
There is One God, Creator of all things. The Bible is God’s inerrant Word. All people are lost in sin. Jesus is fully God and fully man. Jesus died as a substitute for us and rose from the dead. The Holy Spirit is God. People are reconciled to God by faith alone, through grace alone, in Christ alone. Jesus is our Lord as well as our Savior. Jesus will return bodily. All people will be raised from the dead and receive eternal life or eternal punishment.