Join the Adventure

If you want your children to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, build peer friendships that will have a positive impact on them, and be equipped to make a spiritual difference in the world, then bring them to West Shore Free Church for an Awesome Adventure!

Child Dedication

We are a community that wants to support parents in raising their children in the faith. Whether you’re interested in learning more about child dedication, or you want to join us in praying for those being dedicated next, click the link below!
Classes: Sundays, Mar 2 & 16 @ 9 – 10:15 a.m. (Room 200)  
Service: Sun, Mar 23 @ 4 p.m. (Worship Center)

 Child Dedication

Family easter Experience

Sat, April 19 @ 9 – 11 a.m. (Pavilion Area)

Walk through the events of Holy Week with your children to help them understand the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection. There will be interactive stations, activities, and live animals.  

Learn More

Easter At West Shore

Something For Everyone

Raising children with a Christ-like character takes work! Our age-appropriate classes and events along with our resources equip parents and other family guardians in the journey.

See Parent & Family Resources


Sunday morning classes for infants from birth to 2 years old.

Learn More About Nursery Ministry


Sunday morning classes and activities for preschoolers from 2 to 5 years old.

Learn More About Preschool Ministry


Sunday morning classes and activities for children in grades 1 to 6.

Learn More About Elementary Ministry

Plan Your First Visit

  • What Door To Use

    As you enter our church property from the Williams Grove entrance, please take a left as the road splits and park in the lower lot. Inside the lower entrance, a friendly team of greeters will be waiting to assist you to get your children registered and to their classes. Our nursery and preschool wings are located on the upper level of the church directly adjacent to the auditorium. Our elementary wing is near the lower level entrance to the church.

  • Check-In Your Children


    Look for our First Time Family greeters at the West entrance lower level lobby or at the Welcome Center in the upstairs lobby. They will ask you to provide your family’s basic information to help us care for your child. You will only need to do this the first time you visit.

    Your child will receive a name label with security code and any allergy information. You will receive a matching security label. Then one of our greeters will walk you and your child to their classroom, where you will have the opportunity to see their class and briefly meet their teacher. Children can be dropped off up to 15 minutes before the service starts. Please keep your cell phone turned on so you may be contacted if needed.

    We provide children’s programming during and between both services every Sunday. If you will be involved in programs at our church throughout both service times, you can check your child into Awesome Adventure at the beginning of the first service and wait to pick them up until after the second service ends.

  • Pick Up Your Kids

    When you check in with your child, you will receive a pick-up tag that matches your child’s name tag. You will need to show that tag when you pick up your child. Your child will only be released to the person who has their corresponding pick-up tag.

    At the end of your morning, you should return to the children’s wing where you dropped off your child. Please tell the registration attendant your child’s name and age or grade of your child. Your child will come out to the pick-up area near the registration desk. A volunteer will match-up your security card with your child’s name badge and release them to you.

  • What To Bring | Birth - 11 Months

    • Diaper bag
    • Diapers
    • Change of clothes
    • Bottle or sippy cup

    **Please label everything with your child’s name. We have a labeling station in the nursery lobby for your convenience.

  • Health Policy

    For the health of all the children, and for the peace of mind of every parent, children with symptoms of illness must stay with their parents. The Parenting Golden Rule is, “Do unto other parents as you would have them do unto you.” Upon the recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics, please do not bring children with the following symptoms to any of the Awesome Adventure areas:

    • Fever currently or within the previous 24 hours
    • Vomiting and/or diarrhea within the previous 24 hours
    • Any symptoms of childhood diseases
    • Runny nose with any colored discharge
    • Sore throat
    • Any unexplained rash or skin infection
    • Pink eye and other eye infections
    • Head lice (child should be free of all nits)
  • Food

    Snacks are served both services in the preschool and elementary classes. Cheerios are served in the nursery to toddlers. In the Butterfly Room (birth – about 11 months), your child will not be given any food other than what you have provided. Please notify us of any food allergies so these can be identified on your child’s nametag. If your child has allergies, feel free to send a snack along.

  • Safety & Security

    West Shore Free Church takes our responsibility to provide a safe and secure environment for children very seriously. We have implemented safety and security policies that include:

    • An electronic check-in and sticker verification system for all childcare and classes
    • Background checks and an internal vetting process for all adult volunteers
    • Application & internal vetting process for all teen volunteers
    • A health policy that asks parents to keep children with symptoms of illness home
    • Regular hand washing among leaders and children and disinfecting of classrooms and facilities
    • We seek to maintain a teacher-to-child ratio of 8:1 in elementary classes, 5:1 in preschool classes, and 3:1 in nursery classes
    • Safety & Security video
  • Pre-Register your child

    If you would like to get the registration process started early, click the link below. This will help speed up your check-in process when you visit us for the first time!


Special Needs Ministry

Awesome Adventure is for all children, even those who face special challenges on their adventure. We have a coordinator who helps these children and families join the adventure by partnering them with Adventure Guide buddies and meeting with parents to discuss specific needs.

 Special Needs Ministry

Our Curriculum for Sunday Morning Classes

All children from birth through sixth grade study the same Bible story each week from The Gospel Project by Lifeway so you can discuss it as a family. The curriculum focuses on showing kids how the whole Bible works together to tell a single story: God’s plan to redeem  His people through His Son, Jesus Christ, compelling kids to join the mission of God.

See Other Parent Resources

 “Make Awesome Adventure Awesome!”

Sharing God’s love with so many children takes a lot of volunteers! And our children’s leaders report that in lifting up children, they also are lifted up. If you are interested in helping as an Awesome Adventure volunteer, review our areas of need and sign up here.

Sign Up

Have prayer needs, questions, or would like to receive our weekly parent email?