Baptism is a time where we get a concentrated dose of how God has the power to save and transform lives. Celebrate with us as members of our church family choose to obey Christ and declare their allegiance to him as they share their testimonies. Both 9 & 10:45 a.m. services will include testimonies. Both these services will continue to be live-streamed. People of all ages will be getting baptized, so we encourage families to worship together. (There will be no Awesome Adventure Nursery, Preschool or Elementary classes. If your child would be more comfortable in another space, a family room will be offered in Room 200 near the South Entrance.)
If you’re interested in getting baptized, go here to learn more about the class.
Children Wanting to Be Baptized:
Children who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and who understand the meaning and purpose of baptism are welcome to be baptized. The church does not have any minimum age requirement for children being baptized, but since a person is only baptized once in life, it is strongly recommended that children wait until they are old enough to experience the impact and remembrance of the event.
First read this booklet and discuss it with your child, to make sure that your child understands the meaning and purpose of baptism.
If you believe that your child is ready to be baptized, please schedule an interview Pastor Terry
Please Note: All child interviews need to be completed by April 18
Contact: April Forster