
Ray Vander Laan created video series that consists of twenty 12 minute videos that covers how to build “disciples of Christ.” Vander Laan’s hope is to instill in us not only the desire but also the active daily quest to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ. RVL Discipleship will be a challenging and inspiring series. Feel free to jump in at anytime.

Sunday, April 7- end of Summer
This class is hosted by the Authentic Living Learning Community in Room 235

Sundays @ 9 a.m.

The Psalms

We will begin studying five stand-alone lessons in the Psalms, complementing the summer sermon series. The lessons are taught by Jim Nicodem, Senior Pastor of Christ Community Church in South Elgin, Illinois. July 28 – How should we Praise God? Psalm 34, Aug 4 – How do we Lament? Psalm 77, Aug 11 – Three Things to do when the World is Falling Apart – Psalm 11, Aug 18 – How do we Confess Sin? Psalm 51, Aug 25 – Three Aspects of Unity Psalm 133.

 Starting Sunday, July 28
This class is hosted by our Cornerstone Learning Community in Room 224.

Sundays @ 10:45 a.m.


Ray Vander Laan created video series that consists of twenty 12 minute videos that covers how to build “disciples of Christ.” Vander Laan’s hope is to instill in us not only the desire but also the active daily quest to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ. RVL Discipleship will be a challenging and inspiring series. Feel free to jump in at anytime.

Sunday, April 7- end of Summer
This class is hosted by the Authentic Living Learning Community in Room 235

Explore the Bible – Book of Acts

 Explore the Bible is an ongoing, book-by-book Bible study. We will begin a new study in the book of Acts which will run through November. This is an expositional survey of the Bible, and our intergenerational group loves interacting together as we study. Come join us!

Sunday, June 2nd-ongoing
This class is hosted by our Logos Learning Community in Room 200-202

Tactics: Strategies to Respond to Skeptics and Atheists

Would you like to have more confidence and less frustration or anger when having conversations with kids, grandkids, skeptics, and non-believers? In this 3-session workshop, you will learn strategies from the book “Tactics” by Greg Koukl and watch videos of these strategies in action. Each week, you will have opportunities to practice ways to respond to different challenges you might have in conversations with skeptics, increasing your courage and grace when defending the Christian faith.

Purchasing the Tactics book (10th Anniversary Edition) is highly recommended, but not required.
Sunday, July 14th
This class is hosted by our Tapestry Learning Community in Room 215

Wednesdays @ 2 p.m.

Bereans (60+): Weekly Sermon Discussions

The Berean Learning Community (ages 60+) meets on Wednesday afternoon at 2:00pm in room 204 and uses the previous sermon as its guide for discussion. This group meets for a time of prayer, fellowship and sharing life together. If this is your age group, feel free to join with us as you are able.