Gospel Advancement Project

If sharing the Gospel is difficult or awkward for you, come learn how to become a Fisher of Men the way Jesus did! Through this 8-week course, you’ll learn what to say when an opportunity to share the Gospel comes and how to overcome the fear of rejection.
Tuesdays Sept. 24- Nov. 11 @ 6:30pm Room 141

Learn More & Register

Sundays @ 9 a.m.

A Study of Philippians

Using video teaching from Camp of the Woods, Dr. Charles Zimmerman will lead us through the book of Philippians addressing topics such as “What are we living for?” “What do we do when the going gets tough?” “What is righteousness?” “What is parallax truth?” and “What are we willing to risk in light of the truth that God will meet all our needs?” Class begins with a time of prayer, followed by the video and in-depth small-group discussion.

Starting Sunday, Sept. 8- Dec. 8
This class is hosted by our Cornerstone Learning Community in Room 224.

Sundays @ 10:45 a.m.

Study of 1 & 2 Timothy

1 & 2 Timothy are letters written to Timothy by the Apostle Paul that contain practical application for the church today. For example, 1 Timothy contains warnings about false teachers, standards for Christian leaders, standing firm in our faith, living above reproach, and being faithful. 2 Timothy is Paul’s final letter before his martyrdom under Emperor Nero. We are reminded in this epistle not to be fearful or ashamed, to be convinced of our security as believers, to be faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ, and to correctly handle the Word of Truth. This verse-by-verse study of 1 & 2 Timothy is designed to give Christians the spiritual tools needed to be effective members of the Body of Christ.

Starting Sunday, Sept. 8- Dec. 29
This class is hosted by the Authentic Living Learning Community in Room 235

Explore the Bible – Book of Acts

 Explore the Bible is an ongoing, book-by-book Bible study. We are continuing our study in the book of Acts which will run through November. This is an expositional survey of the Bible, and our intergenerational group loves interacting together as we study. Come join us!

Sunday, Sept. 1-Nov. 24
This class is hosted by our Logos Learning Community in Room 200-202

Counterfeit Gods

Success, money, love, the pursuit of the “American Dream.” Many of have placed, and continue to place our faith in these things. Yet, we still feel lost, alone, disenchanted, and resentful. Are we making “counterfeit gods,” from these good things? Gods that can’t give us what we really need? In this study, we will see how the Bible reveals the truth about our faith and our heart’s desires, and that there is only one God who can wholly satisfy our desires.

Starting Sunday Sept. 15th- Nov. 3rd
This class is hosted by our Tapestry Learning Community in Room 215


Bereans (60+): Weekly Sermon Discussions

The Berean Learning Community (ages 60+) meets on Wednesday afternoon at 2:00pm in room 204 and uses the previous sermon as its guide for discussion. This group meets for a time of prayer, fellowship and sharing life together. If this is your age group, feel free to join with us as you are able.

The Story

Capturing the fullness and flow of God’s word in Scripture can be a challenge. In this study, we’ll walk along with Jesus and enter the same conversations he had with his disciples! Together, we’ll open our minds to the amazing promises and events that are key to understanding God’s global story and our part in it.
Wednesdays Sept. 11- Nov. 20 @ 6:30pm Room 224
