Build Relationships
Spend time together and build deep relationships. As LifeGroups first get started each person takes time sharing their faith story. This is a great building block from which relationships can go deeper.
We weren’t created to walk alone. Our hope for our church family is that each person would experience the joy of growing in Christ alongside meaningful community. LifeGroups are a place to grow in Christ together, to commit to Christ-Centered relationships and to spur each other on to grow in your walk with him.
Our LifeGroup Lunch and Learn event is an opportunity to learn more about our LifeGroup ministry here at West Shore Free Church. We’ll go over why they are important, talk through the model we use and explain what to expect when getting your LifeGroup started. This is a family friendly event – kids are welcome to join with you! We will plan to wrap up by 1:30.
If you are unable to join us but would like to be in a new LifeGroup, please still register, and we will follow up.
Join us either March 2 or March 9!
12:15 – 1:30 p.m. (Room 200)
Our LifeGroup Startup events are geared to help you to connect with others in our church family that live in your community. During this time, you will meet with several others at a house in your area, with an identified LifeGroup Leader. While we’re not asking you to commit to life-long relationships, our hope is that you would be open to giving this LifeGroup a try for several weeks.
A LifeGroup Mentor will be there to provide guidance and support during the first several weeks of your LifeGroup Startup. Once you have met for 10 weeks, you will have the choice to continue gathering or not. This is a safe space, so we encourage honesty and grace.
Each LifeGroup is composed of between 5-11 people. We encourage groups to meet weekly in homes or other relaxed settings. During the meetings, we ask groups to follow these three simple guidelines.
(Read the LifeGroup Leader Guide for a more in-depth explanation.)
Spend time together and build deep relationships. As LifeGroups first get started each person takes time sharing their faith story. This is a great building block from which relationships can go deeper.
Discuss Sunday’s sermon using the questions and reflections provided. We want LifeGroups to challenge their members to apply the weekly sermons to their lives throughout the week.
Pray for each other. Hearing each other’s burdens and praises each week helps people grow together; and praying together for those burdens and praises helps people grow closer to God.
If you sense the Holy Spirit is prompting you to start your own LifeGroup, and you are willing to be a leader, let us know! We would love to talk with you more about this and help equip you with the right tools to get started!