Bible Studies

Tuesday Mornings and Evenings
Various Times

Refer to class description for dates and times.
$10 for all classes + Book 

Registration Opens Jan. 26


Book Club

There are no book clubs at this time.

  • Donate to the Women's Ministry Fund

    We value all generations seated together around the table at our Bible Studies!  However, childcare costs and fees can often deter moms and women from attending.  Personally, when my boys were little – living on a single teacher’s income – I couldn’t afford to come to WBS, but someone paid my way for me by covering my childcare costs.  If you wish to donate to help young moms and women who might not be able to afford WBS, you can provide your donation here and select Women’s Ministry Fund.

  • Childcare Information

    • Available Tuesday mornings for ages 6 mo. – kindergarten.  
    • FEES (childcare + reg):
      • 1 child – $25 ($35)
      • 2 children – $35 ($45) 
      • 3 or more children – $45 ($55) 

Tuesday Morning @ 9 a.m.

  • Everyday Theology: What You Believe Matters

    By: Mary Wiley 

    Theology, the study of God and His work in the world, isn’t just for those with lots of letters after their names or the staff at your church. It is for you in your everyday moments, everyday questions, and everyday decisions. What you believe determines the lens through which you see the world, how you live your daily life, and how you respond to both blessing and disaster.
    In this study, we will delve into nine essential doctrines of the faith: Scripture, God the Father, the Trinity, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, and the end times. As we examine these foundational truths, we will learn how the foundations of our faith matter in everyday life, and worship with a greater sense of who God is and His work in the world. 

    TEACHER: Melinda Bear and Toni Turoff
    HOMEWORK: 1-2 hrs/wk
    DATES: 9wks; 2/25 – 4/22
    LEVEL:  All
    BOOK: Everyday Theology by Mary Wiley
    BOOK PURCHASE LINK:  Amazon, ChristianBook, Lifeway 

  • Tactics: A Guide to Effectively Discussing Your Christian Convictions

    By: Gregory Koukl

    Do you have a desire to share the gospel with those who are lost in a clear and effective way?  Do you want to see your loved ones come to faith in Christ but find it challenging to initiate and navigate conversations about your spiritual convictions?  Do you feel ill equipped in knowing how to answer questions that are posed by skeptics?  You don’t need to have a theological degree to skillfully and graciously present the truth of the gospel.  In this highly practical study, we will watch a video series based on the book “Tactics” by Greg Koukl and interactively learn and practice a game plan you can implement immediately to confidently discuss your Christian convictions in any setting with anyone. 

    TEACHER:  Patty Scott & Kate Wool
    HOMEWORK: 1 hr/wk
    LEVEL:  All
    BOOK: Tactics Study Guide, Updated and Expanded: A Guide to Effectively Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Gregory Koukl

  • A Place I Didn’t Belong: Hope for Adoptive Moms

    By: Paula Freeman 

    A Place I Didn’t Belong validates the sometimes devastating experiences of adoptive parenthood while offering hope, practical coping strategies, and spiritual renewal for the journey ahead. The trajectory of unmet expectations, our children’s compromised beginnings, and the wounds we carry into our adoptions conspire to take us to a place we didn’t belong. Insights on emotional healing help us reclaim hope for our adoption journey. This is not a how-to or a ten-easy-steps-to successful parenting program. It’s about real life, real women, and real struggles. It’s about relationships and community. It’s about reclaiming ourselves as women when adoption dreams shatter. It’s about a journey that begins in our mother’s heart and delivers us to the place we do belong – into our Father’s arms. 

     TEACHER: Laura Bibighaus & Cindy King
    HOMEWORK: >1hr – 4 days\wk
    BOOK: A Place I Didn’t Belong: Hope for Adoptive Moms by Paula Freeman
    Limited to 15 participants – plus leaders

  • Luke in the Land: Walking with Jesus in His First-Century World

    By: Kristi McLelland

    We will follow Kristi through Israel as we study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place.  Through this study, you will be challenged to read the accounts of Jesus through teaching videos that take you to locations in Israel like Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to Emmaus.  Along the way, you’ll see how Jesus, the Messiah, brought His kingdom to earth for everybody. 

    TEACHER:  Nancy Makowski, Heidi Dorrow, Jaime Witmer, Cyndi Alioth 
    HOMEWORK: 1-2 hr/wk
    LEVEL:  All
    BOOK: Luke in the Land, Walking with Jesus in His First Century World by Kristi McLelland
    BOOK PURCHASE LINK: Amazon, Christianbook, Lifeway, 

  • Fulfilled and Fruitful

    As you think back on your life, when have you felt most fulfilled? Apart from salvation and abiding in Christ, what brings you spiritual joy and satisfaction?  The key to all of these is serving where God intends you to live out a fruitful life. God gave us spiritual gifts but there’s more to discerning your spiritual purpose and best fit! This study will help you discern your God-given intentional design and how that will lead you into His chosen path for you. Come and let us explore together! 

    TEACHERS: Terry Nesbitt and Shelley Steck
    HOMEWORK: 1 hr/wk
    LEVEL:  All
    BOOK: (Optional and not required– class worksheets will be provided) S.H.A.P.E: Finding and Fulfilling Your Unique Purpose in Life by Erik Rees
    BOOK PURCHASE LINK: Amazon, Barnes & Noble 

Tuesday Evening @ 6:30 p.m.

  • Revelation, Part 3
    PUP | Zoom Only

    In Part 2, we observed the entire chapter to become familiar with the text.  This semester, in Part 3, we will explore the relationship of the book of Revelation to the Gospels and what they teach us about the prophecies and the last days. We will complete a detailed exploration of the Lamb’s worthiness, what the apocalyptic events are and what they mean, and gain a deeper understanding of Jesus’ triumph over evil! 

    TEACHERS:  Tina Dunlap & Melody Dietz
    HOMEWORK: 5+ hrs/wk
    LEVEL: Advanced
    SUPPLIES NEEDED: NASB or ESV PUP workbook Revelation Part 3 of 4, colored pens/pencils, 3-ring binder or other organization supplies, Bible Dictionary, Commentary
    BOOK PURCHASE LINK: Precept Ministries
    DATES:  beginning Feb. 11 and ending Mar. 22
    **Training (optional), for the inductive method is offered if you are new to PUP studies, it has been a while, or you’d like a refresher! 

  • Everyday Theology: What You Believe Matters

    By Mary Wiley 

    Theology, the study of God and His work in the world, isn’t just for those with lots of letters after their names or the staff at your church. It is for you in your everyday moments, everyday questions, and everyday decisions. What you believe determines the lens through which you see the world, how you live your daily life, and how you respond to both blessing and disaster.
    In this study, we will delve into nine essential doctrines of the faith: Scripture, God the Father, the Trinity, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, humanity, salvation, the church, and the end times. As we examine these foundational truths, we will learn how the foundations of our faith matter in everyday life, and worship with a greater sense of who God is and His work in the world.

    TEACHER: Melinda Bear and Toni Turoff
    HOMEWORK: 1-2 hrs/wk
    DATES: 9wks; 2/25-4/22
    LEVEL:  All
    BOOK: Everyday Theology by Mary Wiley
    BOOK PURCHASE LINK:  Amazon, ChristianBook, Lifeway 

  • Luke in the Land: Walking with Jesus in His First-Century World

    By: Kristi McLelland 

    We will follow Kristi through Israel as we study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place.  Through this study, you will be challenged to read the accounts of Jesus through teaching videos that take you to locations in Israel like Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to Emmaus.  Along the way, you’ll see how Jesus, the Messiah, brought His kingdom to earth for everybody. 

    TEACHER: Kathy Sassaman and Beth Allen
    HOMEWORK: 1-2 hr/wk
    LEVEL:  All
    BOOK: Luke in the Land, Walking with Jesus in His First Century World by Kristi McLelland
    BOOK PURCHASE LINK: Amazon, Christianbook, Lifeway