This summer the Women’s Ministry Team will be offering stand-alone “Summer Stories & Testimonials” from women in our church body.
Childcare is offered with registration no later than one week prior.
Tues, June 13 @ 9:30 – 11 a.m. (Room 200)
Teacher: Melinda Bear
Did you know that single women are the fastest growing group of people leaving the church? A single woman is someone who has never married, is divorced or is widowed. Single women are all around us and they often struggle to feel loved, valued and included in the church. Come learn the theology of singleness, why we have certain thoughts and opinions toward singleness and what Jesus said about it. We will learn practical ways of how to love single women well. Let’s follow Jesus’ example!
Tues, June 27 @ 9:30 – 11 a.m. (Room 226)
God is writing each of our stories. Some chapters we expect, and others come with many changes. Come and hear from several women who have navigated hard seasons with their own children who have special needs. We will learn how to come alongside them and love them well.
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Tues, July 18 @ 9:30 – 11 a.m. (Room 200)
As parents, grandparents or spiritual mothers of adult children, we may ask: What does it look like to love our kids well, even when we don’t love the choices they make? How can we pray for God’s best for our loved ones? Together, we will connect, thrive and be equipped as prayer warriors with tools to pray Word-filled, character shaping and life-transforming prayers over our children!
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Tues, July 25 @ 9:30 – 11 a.m. (Room 200)
Teacher: Kim Winters
Research shows we are currently living through the most rapid change in family structure in human history. A 2022 poll showed that one in four Americans are not speaking to at least one member of their immediate family. Parental estrangement from an adult child is typically experienced as a trauma similar, but different, to unexpected death. Estrangement is especially difficult for parents who made difficult choices for their family in an effort to honor God. How do we walk faithfully through the trauma of estrangement when everything we hoped for and believed God for is torn out from under us? Attend this session to hear personal testimonies from estranged Christian moms who never dreamed estrangement would be their reality. Find out how Jesus led through the wilderness of shame, doubt, pain, anger and more. Kim Winters will lead this session of sharing that focuses on the only answer in the desolate darkness of estrangement, which is Jesus!
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Register for Childcare
Tuesdays June 13 & 27, July 18 & 25 @ 7 – 8:30 p.m. (Room 200)
Teachers: Cindy Parker, David Gray, Dale Bluman & Patty Scott.
We are offering a Co-Ed study, Cold-Case Christianity, where we will learn from Detective Wallace, a former atheist, who came to see that Christianity was as strong as any case he could bring before a judge. We will discuss ways to answer the claims skeptics make against the New Testament and train you so you can discuss with others the evidence for Christianity and why it matters.